Banking And Financial

Banking And FinancialRelentless business pressure, immovable regulation and intense market security means that financial organizations must act. Industry consolidation has reduced the number of players in the market but deepened the capabilities of those remaining, making it more important than ever for firms to differentiate themselves in the market.

Axiom helps financial services companies compete by providing solutions such as financial services IT consulting, managed services and SOA web services that meet the demands of their customers, who expect constantly improving service levels, their shareholders, who want bottom and top line results, and the regulatory bodies, who demand greater public transparency and accountability. Axiom’s IT consulting enables financial services companies to achieve the improved operational efficiencies and customer retention and acquisition that can quickly deliver long-term return on investment, and impact the bottom line.

Axiom considers BFS as a Sector under transformation. Accelerated by ongoing economic turmoil, banks throughout the world are undergoing their most significant transformation in decades. At the heart of this transformation is the need to revisit their business processes and align their IT systems with the new processes. Axiom is helping banks to build a solid and agile IT strategy using the best software solutions, services, and human resources available in the financial services industry.

Areas of Experience:

Axiom has in-depth industry experience in the following areas:

  • Retail Banking
  • Credit Cards
  • Capital Markets
  • Risk Management
  • Asset Management
  • Mortgages & Lending
  • Corporate Banking
  • Treasury